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Statue of L Stur

Information about the monument of Stur Square

This relatively modern sculpture was designed by T Bártfay and J Salay in 1972. The figure of L Stur is clearly display as the leader of the "Národnooslobodzovacieho hnutia" (National Freedom Party) in the mid 19th century. The other figures and attributes symbolize the party he led.

Information about Ludovit Stur

Stur was born in 1815 and died in 1856. He was the leader of the "Slovenske Narodne Hnutie" (Slovak National Party), the policy maker and organiser of the "Narodnooslobodzovacie hnutie" (National Liberation Party) in the 19th century, educationalist, linguist, poet and journalist. He spent nearly 20 years in Bratsialava as a student and professor at the "Evanjelicke Lyceum" (Protestant College). He published "Slovenskje Narodnje Novini" (Slovak National Newspaper) and was a member of the Austro-Hungarian Parliament.

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